Eye Mind Wander Dataset

Dataset description

  • StudyNum: study identifier
  • ParticipantNum: participant identifier
  • ExpSetting: location that participant performed the study
    • 1 = lab
    • 2 = home
    • 3 = classroom
    • 4 = public setting
  • ScreenHeight: height of screen in pixels
  • ScreenWidth: width of screen in pixels
  • DeviceType: device used by participant
    • 1 = computer
    • 2 = laptop
    • 3 = phone
    • 4 = virtual reality headset
  • IOS: operating system
    • 1 = Windows
    • 2 = Mac
    • 3 = Linux
    • 4 = Other
  • – EyeTrackerType: type of eye tracker
    • 1 = commercial (e.g., Tobii, Eyelink)
    • 2 = webcam-based
    • 3 = Virtual Reality headset
  • RefreshRate: screen refresh rate
  • SamplingRate: eye tracker sampling rate
  • TaskType: category of task
    • 1 = reading
    • 2 = listening
    • 3 = math problem
    • 4 = video
    • 5 = other
  • PerformanceBinary: is the task performance measure binary
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • PerformanceDirection: do higher values indicate better performance
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • TaskPerformance: if mappable, performance on the task during which the probe occurred (e.g., question about a probed screen)
  • ProbeNum: probe event identifier for a participant
  • TUTResponseType: type of response for task-unrelated thought
    • 1 = Probe
    • 2 = Self-report
    • 3 = Questionnaire
  • TUTProbeType: if TUT response was a probe, type of probe used
    • 1 = yes/no
    • 2 = scale
  • TUTScaleDirection: if a scale or questionnaire was used, what was the directionality?
    • 1 = increasing (higher = more)
    • 2 = decreasing (higher = less)
  • TUTScaleMin: minimum value of scale or questionnaire
  • TUTScaleMax: maximum value of scale or questionnaire
  • TUTResponse: TUT measure response
    • if yes/no probe
      • 1 = yes
      • 0 = no
  • TUTAggregated: is the reported value an aggregate measure (e.g., # of TUT instances over a period of time)
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • IntentionalityResponseType: type of response for intentionality
    • 1 = Qrobe
    • 2 = Self-report
    • 3 = Questionnaire
  • IntentionalityProbeType: if intentionality response was a probe, type of probe used
    • 1 = yes/no
    • 2 = scale
  • IntentionalityScaleDirection: if a scale or questionnaire was used, what was the directionality?
    • 1 = increasing (higher = more)
    • 2 = decreasing (higher = less)
  • IntentionalityScaleMin: minimum value of scale or questionnaire
  • IntentionalityScaleMax: maximum value of scale or questionnaire
  • IntentionalityResponse: intentional measure response
    • If yes/no probe
      • 1 = yes
      • 2 = no
  • IntentionalityAggregated: is the reported value an aggregate measure (e.g., # of intentional instances over a period of time)
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • AwarenessResponseType: type of response for awareness
    • 1 = Probe
    • 2 = Self-Report
    • 3 = Questionnaire
  • AwarenessProbeType: if awareness response was a probe, type of probe used
    • 1 = yes/no
    • 2 = scale-Report
  • AwarenessScaleDirection: if a scale or questionnaire was used, what was the directionality?
    • 1 = increasing (higher = more)
    • 2 = decreasing (higher = less)
  • AwarenessScaleMin: minimum value of scale or questionnaire
  • AwarenessScaleMax: maximum value of scale or questionnaire
  • AwarenessResponse: awareness measure response
    • If yes/no probe
      • 1 = yes
      • 2 = no
  • AwarenessAggregated: is the reported value an aggregate measure (e.g., # of aware instances over a period of time)
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • FMTResponseType: type of response for freely-moving thought
    • 1 = Probe
    • 2 = Self-Report
    • 3 = Questionnaire
  • FMTProbeType: if FMT response was a probe, type of probe used
    • 1 = yes/no
    • 2 = scale
  • FMTScaleDirection: if a scale or questionnaire was used, what was the directionality?
    • 1 = increasing (higher = more)
    • 2 = decreasing (higher = less)
  • FMTScaleMin: minimum value of scale or questionnaire
  • FMTScaleMax: maximum value of scale or questionnaire
  • FMTResponse: FMT measure response
    • if yes/no probe
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • FMTAggregated: is the reported value an aggregate measure (e.g., # of FMT instances over a period of time)
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • DisengagementResponseType: type of response for difficulty disengaging
    • 1 = Probe
    • 2 = Self-Report
    • 3 = Questionnaire
  • DisengagementProbeType: if difficulty disengaging response was a probe, type of probe used
    • 1 = yes/no
    • 2 = scale
  • DisengagementScaleDirection: if a scale or questionnaire was used, what was the directionality?
    • 1 = increasing (higher = more)
    • 2 = decreasing (higher = less)
  • DisengagementScaleMin: minimum value of scale or questionnaire
  • DisengagementScaleMax: maximum value of scale or questionnaire
  • DisengagementResponse: difficulty disengaging measure response
    • if yes/no probe
      • 1 = yes
      • 0 = no
  • DisengagementAggregated: is the reported value an aggregate measure (e.g., # of difficulty disengaging instances over a period of time
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • ValenceResponseType: type of response for valence
    • 1 = Probe
    • 2 = Self-Report
    • 3 = Questionnaire
  • ValenceProbeType: if valence response was a probe, type of probe used
    • 1 = yes/no
    • 2 = scale
  • ValenceScaleDirection: if a scale or questionnaire was used, what was the directionality?
    • 1 = increasing (higher = more)
    • 2 = decreasing (higher = less)
  • ValenceScaleMin: minimum value of scale or questionnaire
  • ValenceScaleMax: maximum value of scale or questionnaire
  • ValenceResponse: valence measure response
    • if yes/no probe
      • 1 = yes
      • 0 = no
  • ValenceAggregated: is the reported value an aggregate measure (e.g., # of valenced instances over a period of time)
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • ArousalResponseType: type of response for arousal
    • 1 = Probe
    • 2 = Self-Report
    • 3 = Questionnaire
  • ArousalProbeType: if arousal response was a probe, type of probe used
    • 1 = yes/no
    • 2 = scale
  • ArousalScaleDirection: if a scale or questionnaire was used, what was the directionality?
    • 1 = increasing (higher = more)
    • 2 = decreasing (higher = less)
  • ArousalScaleMin: minimum value of scale or questionnaire
  • rousalScaleMax: maximum value of scale or questionnaire
  • ArousalResponse: arousal measure response
    • if yes/no probe
      • 1 = yes
      • 0 = no
  • ArousalAggregated: is the reported value an aggregate measure (e.g., # of arousal instances over a period of time)
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • BoredomResponseType: type of response for boredom
    • 1 = Probe
    • 2 = Self-Report
    • 3 = Questionnaire
  • BoredomProbeType: if boredom response was a probe, type of probe used
    • 1 = yes/no
    • 2 = scale
  • BoredomScaleDirection: if a scale or questionnaire was used, what was the directionality?
    • 1 = increasing (higher = more)
    • 2 = decreasing (higher = less)
  • BoredomScaleMin: minimum value of scale or questionnaire
  • BoredomScaleMax: maximum value of scale or questionnaire
  • BoredomResponse: boredom measure response
    • if yes/no probe
      • 1 = yes
      • 0 = no
  • BoredomAggregated: is the reported value an aggregate measure (e.g., # of boredom instances over a period of time)
    • 1 = yes
    • 0 = no
  • TaskType: category of task
  • Fixations: number of fixations
  • FixationTime: time spent fixating
  • UniqueGazes: number of unique gazes
  • UniqueGazeProportion: proportion of unique gazes
  • UniqueFixations: number of unique fixations
  • UniqueFixProportion: proportion of unique fixations
  • OffscreenGazes: number of offscreen gazes
  • OffScreenGazeProportion: proportion of offscreen gazes
  • OffScreenGazeTime: time spent looking offscreen
  • OffScreenFixations: number of offscreen fixations
  • OffScreenFixProportion: proportion of offscreen fixations
  • OffScreenFixTime: time spent fixating offscreen
  • AOIGazes: number of gazes in area of interest
  • AOIGazeProportion: proportion of gazes in area of interest
  • AOIGazeTime: time spent in area of interest
  • AOIFixations: number of fixations in area of interest
  • AOIFixationProportion: proportion of fixations in area of interest
  • AOIFixationTime: time spent fixating in area of interest
  • TaskPerformance: if mappable, performance on the task during which the probe occurred (e.g., question about a probed screen)
  • Age
  • Gender
    • 1 = male
    • 2 = female
  • White/Caucasian
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • White/Caucasian
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Hispanic/Latino
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Black/African American
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Alaskan/Native American
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Asian/Pacific Islander
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • East Asian
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Southeast Asian
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • South Asian
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Middle Easter/North African
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Lighting: What is the current lighting situation in the room?
    • 1 = well lit
    • 2 = dim lit
    • 3 = no lighting
  • Glasses: Are you wearing glasses?
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Medication: Are you currently on medication?
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Neurodivergent: Have you been diagnosed as neurodivergent?
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no
  • Clinical: Are you part of a clinical population
    • 1 = clinical
    • 2 = subclinical
  • Alone: Are you currently alone in the room?
    • 1 = yes
    • 2 = no